Friday, 24 June 2011

"Do Americans have an accent or do they just use proper English?"

I have new roommates!! :D
So we all went to Mark's for the get-together tonight. It was so much fun. I walked in and Diamond (one of the staff's daughters) said, "Whaaat?" and came up and attacked me. So funny. We got fruit (most amazing strawberries ever!) veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, steak/salmon, baked potatoes, salad, three different kinds of cake and ice cream! Wow! :D The center pieces of the tables were long tubes that had goldfish in them! It was soo awesome. We got to take some home with us if we wanted! So I took two and went to the dining hall/kitchen at camp as soon as I got back. Nate, Ken, and another guy I don't know the name of, from Mission Discovery helped me to find a suitable "fish bowl" (a used pretzel container) and clean it out. Anyway, at the party the Bahamians were trying to teach Eric, Tex, and I how to talk like them. It was so funny. They couldn't stop laughing at how American we were. haha. All in all, awesome night (:


  1. And here I was missing you at VBS and DQ tonight...little did I know you were having a great time in paradise. :)

  2. Fish are friends NOT food!
