Tuesday, 26 July 2011

"Katie, I really wish you were my sister!!!"

It's about that time again. Updates!

Sunday: Church and dinner at Sam's again. I tried Ox tail for the first time. It had a really good taste, but was too fatty and mushy texture-wise in my opinion. We played Mario kart and Just Dance (I was beat by Sam's younger brother! haha) We went out for ice cream that night too.
Monday: Good first day of the last week. About 75% of the kids are new this week. My group of Zebras grew to 10 kids!
Today: Few more new kids. One girl in my group, Alisha, needs a bit more attention. Mark thinks she is mentally challenged in some way. I still haven't decided. She's a bit unusual, but that doesn't mean anything. I'm not going to try to diagnose her, but it would be helpful to know where she's coming from in order to help her more. Another little boy is new this week at 4 years old. He's the cutest thing.
I'm making baked pasta tonight. I really hope it turns out well. :D
And I got my worker's permit! It only took us 40 minutes this time! I'm officially legal for one week. haha. A bunch of the kids today asked if I'd come back next summer. I guess we'll see...
That's about all for now!


  1. Where do you get ice cream? Is it an ice cream shoppe? Love the pics!

  2. Next year???? Oh my gosh I don't know if I could handle that.
